北京38365-365.com2018-03-29 10:57:43讯:[北京]红帽软件,
发信人: redhathr (红帽HR), 信区: Intern 标 题: 【实习】【红帽软件】Java开发实习生(中间件) 发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Mar 26 13:29:35 2018), 站内
简历发送至lshi@redhat.com 姓名+学校+工作时间+应聘职位 工作地点:海淀区--知春里 时间:周一至周五,早九晚六,需要每周工作4-5天,至少6个月 Primary Job Responsibilities Design,develop and test new feature for project new release under linux Work with team to find solution to resolve various issue Work with team to reproduce issues and verify the fix in jboss project Develop tool to automate test and release procedure in openstack and Jenkins environment Communicate the task status with team member Required Skills Knowledge and Experience with Java/Java EE or Python Knowledge and Experience of Maven ,Git Be able to work under Linux , at least 1 year working experience in Linux Ability to quickly learn and conduct research for new technology Good written and verbal English communication skills are a big plus Knowledge of shell script or Python is a plus Knowledge or working experience of manage Jenkins server is a plus Knowledge of Docker is a plus Knowledge of JBoss ecosystems, e.g. JBoss WildFly /Wildfly Swarm/Vertx is a plus 主要职责 在Linux环境下针对红帽JBoss team的项目一些feature/工具进行设计,研发以及测试工作 在Openstack和Jenkins环境下针对开源产品的自动化集成(CI/CD),自动化部署进行优化,改进 需要和其他成员一起团队合作完成解决方案 能够很好的沟通和汇报自己工作情况 需要的技能: 具备Java /Java EE知识或者工作背景或者具备Python编程经验 使用过Maven, Git进行过项目开发, github上面有项目展示更佳 具备至少1年linux操作系统使用经验 或者热爱Linux技术 对于专研新技术热爱 具备 Bash Shell 编程经验更佳 具备Jenkins 管理经验更佳 具备Docker使用经验更佳 具备良好的英语沟通能力 了解JBoss Wildfly / Wildfly Swarm/Vertx项目更佳 了解Redhat Openshift/Openstack技术更佳 --
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